T. violaceum

(Figure 4.27B)
  • Infection: tinea capitis (endothrix), favus, tinea corporis, tinea barbae
  • Colony: heaped, folded, and deep violet → reverse deep port wine
  • Hyphae: tangled, septate irregular hyphae
  • Conidia: few
  • Misc: partial thiamine requirement
Microconidia – none produced
Macroconidia – club-shaped
  No hair involvement  

Figure 4.27 A: T. verrucosum * B: T. violaceum * C: E. floccosum * *Courtesy of Sandra Arduin, Michigan Department of Community Health
Figure 4.27
A: T. verrucosum *
B: T. violaceum *
C: E. floccosum *
*Courtesy of Sandra Arduin,
Michigan Department of
Community Health