An intro to Skin Disease

The great number of diseases peculiar to the skin which present themselves for treatment are well worthy of the most earnest and anxious consideration of the general practitioner as well as of the specialist. It is only of recent years that the varieties of skin diseases have been made a special subject of study by numerous physicians in this country and abroad, and we may point with pride to the rapid strides made as regards the pathology, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of these formerly obscure and obstinate diseases.
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Know More about Skin Disease

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»The Anatomy of the Skin
»Blood Vessels
»Subcutaneous Cellular Tissue
»The Sweat Glands
»Sebaceous Glands
»Muscles of the Skin
»Nature and Amount of Perspiration

»Some General Observations
»Rules for Studying Skin Diseases

»Classification of the Elementary Lesions
»Drug Eruptions

»Internal causes of cutaneous diseases

»Local Dermal Inflammations
»Erythematous Diseases
»Erythema Mul-tiforme
»Erythema Nodosum
»Idiopathic Group
»Symptomatic Group
»Follicular Hyperaemia
»Medicinal Rashes

»The Eruptions of Acute Specific Diseases
»Period of Eruption
»Indications for remedies
»Typhus Rash
»Typhoid Rash
»Therapeutic Indications
»Framboesia or Yaws

»Papular Inflammation
»Licihen Planus
»Homoeopathic Remedies
»Lichen Ruber
»Care of Lichen Urticarius by Thuja
»Lichen Simplex
»Lichen agrius
»Lichen pilaris
»Lichen Scrofulosorum
»Prurigo as a Family Affection

»Pustular variety of eczema
»Nudose, or exfoliative form
»The papular variety
»The fissured variety
»Erythematous variety
»Variation in Eczema
»Duration of eczema
»Location of an eczema
»Local Treatment
»Treatment of the Special Forms and Varieties of Eczema
»Eczema intertrigo
»Eczema of the scalp in children
»Eczema of the scalp in adults
»Eczema harhue
»Eczema of other hairy parts
»Eczema in the vulva
»Eczema of the palmar and planar surfaces
»Eczema of the leg
»Eczema of the inner surface of the thigh
»Eczema of the mammae and nipples
»Eczema in obese persons

»Bullous Diseases and Anomalous forms of Bullous Eruption
»Herpes Labialis
»Herpes Progenitalis
»Pemphigus Vulgaris
»Pemphigus Foliaceus
»Suppurative Inflammations
»Impetigo Contagiosa
»Diagnostic features
»Abortive Treatment
»Hordeolum or Stye
»Anthrax or Carbuncle
»Diagnosis of Boils and Carbuncles
»Pustula Maligna

»Squamous Inflammations
»Pityriasis Rubra
»Pityriasis Pilaris
»Local varieties
»Psoriasis capitis
»Psoriasis faciei
»Psoriasis palmaris and psoriasis plantaris
»Psoriasis unguinum
»Psoriatic syphilides

»Diathetic Diseases
»Concomitants of Syphilis
»Homoeopathic remedies
»Condylomata, Sycosis, Fig-warts
»Therapeutic Hints
»Homoeopathic remedies
»Morvan's Disease
»Homoeopathic remedies

»Hypertrophic and Atrophic Affections
»Hypertrophic diseases
»Atrophic diseases
»Verrucae or Warts
»Objectively considered
»Subjective symptoms
»Objectively considered
»Subjective symptoms
»Ichthyosis Simplex
»Ichthyosis Hysirix
»Sclerema Neonatorum
»Mammillitis Maligna

»Lupus Erythematosos
»Lupus Vulgaris
»Lupus Exedens
»Therapeutical indications
»Rodent Ulcer

»Cutaneous Haemorrhages
»Pruritus Senilis
»Pruritus Ani
»Pruritus Praeputii
»Pruritus  Pudendi
»Therapeutic Hints

»Chromatogenous Diseases
»Primary or idiopathic pigmentations
»Secondary or symptomatic stainings
»Ephelis or Sunburn

»Parasitic Diseases
»Phtheiriasis Capitis
»Phtheiriasis Corporis
»Phtheiriasis Pubis
»Remedies indicated
»Remedies indicated
»Tricophytosis Capitis
»Tricophytosis Barbae
»Tricophytosis Corpora
»Tricophytosis Genito-Femoralis
»Internal remedies
»Ingrowing Toe-Nails

»Disorders of the Glands
»Diseases of Sweat Glands
»Functional Diseases of the Sweat Glands
»Therapeutical indications
»Structural Diseases of the Sweat Glands Miliaria and Sudamina
»Lichen Propicus or Prickly Heat
»Cystic Formations
»Diseases of the Sebaceous Glands
»Seborrhoea Oleasa
»Seborrhoea Sicca
»Seborrhoea Kerativa
»Comedones or Comedo
»Internal remedies
»Internal remedies

»Diseases of the Hair
»Alopecia Areafa
»Internal remedies

»Various Lesions not classified
»Wash-Leather Skin
»Effects of Rhus Tox. on the Skin