What is infantile acropustulosis?

nfantile acropustulosis demonstrating typical, pruritic acral pustules in a black child.
Fig. 11.6 nfantile acropustulosis demonstrating typical, pruritic acral pustules in a black child.
Infantile acropustulosis, also referred to as acropustulosis of infancy, is an inflammatory disease first described in 1979. Most case reports have been in black infants from the southern United States, but it has also been reported in other racial groups and countries including Scandinavia. Clinically, the condition is characterized by recurrent crops of 1- to 2-mm intensely pruritic vesiculopustules on the extremities (Fig. 11-6). Histologically, there are well circumscribed intraepidermal pustules filled with neutrophils. Most cases spontaneously resolve by 2 years of age.