Other gram-negative infections

(Table 4-5)
Table 4-5 Select Gram-Negative Infections
 DiseaseEtiology/VectorClinical FindingsTreatment
Burkholderia mallei
Contact with infected horses
Ulcerated nodule at inoculation site with regional lymphadenopathy, ± “farcy buds” (nodules along lymph nodes)
(Undulant fever)
(Malta fever)
Brucella spp.
Direct contact with infected animal or ingestion of dairy (unpasteurized) infected meat
Cyclic fevers, arthralgias, hepatosplenomegaly; rare skin involvement (violaceous papulonodular eruption)

↑ Risk: butchers, farmers, veterinarians
Doxycycline combined
with rifampin
(Rabbit fever)
(Deer fly fever)
Francisella tularensis
Direct contact with wild animals like rabbits (rabbitborne), ticks (tick-borne) or deer flies
Ulceroglandular: tender chancre-like papule or nodule with lymphadenopathy, lymph nodes may become fluctuan with suppuration

↑ Risk in hunters
Vibrio infection
Vibrio vulnificus
Ingestion of raw seafood or open wound exposed to seawater
Fever, chills, abdominal pain, red to violaceous macules → painful hemorrhagic bullae with cellulitis

↑ Risk: diabetes, liver disease, immunosuppression
Oral TCN
Yersinia pestis
Transmitted via flew bite from infected animals
Myalgias, malaise, fever → small papule/ pustule at site of flea bite with swollen, painful flunctuant lymph nodes (“buboes”)
Streptomycin (IM)
E. coli (± Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Proteus , Klebsiella )
Commonly affects urinary tract, rare skin involvement with weeping perianal plaque or polypoid mass

Histo: Michaelis–Gutmann bodies
Cipro (long-term) or
surgical removal
Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis
Transmission via inhalation of droplets or contaminated material
Infectious granulomas in nasal mucosa and respiratory tract, epistaxis, Hebra nose (destruction of nasal cartilage)

Histo: Mikulicz cell, Russell bodies
Rat-Bite Fever
(Haverhill fever)
Streptobacillus moniliformis
Direct contact from rodents or contaminated food
Fever, arthritis, ± ulceration at site of bite and generalized morbilliform eruption with acral distribution
Cat Bite
Pasteurella multocida
Erythema, pain, tenderness with gray serous drainage from puncture wound
Augmentin, irrigate site,
± tetanus prophylaxis
Dog Bite
Capnocytophaga canimorsus Pasteurella canis Pasturella multocida
Human Bite
Eikenella corrodens