
Lotions containing hydrochloric and chromic acids - either of which may be employed in the strength of from two to four per cent., are highly recommended by the old school.

The indications for the homoeopathic remedies are:
Arsen. alb. - Smutty brown, mottled skin; yellow color of face.
Ammon. mur. - Large accumulation of bran-like scales, with falling of the hair.
Bufo. - Skin greenish, and always looking dirty and oily.
Bryonia. - In long lasting cases.
Calcarea carb. - Nose shines as from oil. Seborrhoea with hyperaemia of the scalp and headache.
Graphites. - Seborrhoea behind the ears.
Iodine. - Firmly adhering scales, which leave the skin red and painful, on removal.
Kali carb. - Dry hair rapidly falling off, with much dandruff.
Lycopodium. - Seborrhoea on the chin.
Merc. sol. - Seborrhoea of the genitals, accompanied with hyperaemia.
Mezereum. - Excessive formation of smegma.

Natrum mur. - Severe itching of the scalp; the hair falls out in masses; seborrhoea of the face.
Plumbum. - The skin of the face shines as if oily, and feels oily.
Phosphorus. - Copious dandruff; falls off in clouds.
Potass, brom. - Seborrhoea on hairy parts of the face, forehead and neck.Raphanus. - Skin is greasy and makes the hands greasy to touch it.
Sepia. - Seborrhoea   of the genitals in women.
- Dandruff.
Thuja. - White scaly dandruff. Hair dry and falling off.
Vinca minor.
- Seborrhoea on upper lip and base of the nose.