Drug Eruptions

The subject of diagnosis, however, cannot be dismissed without allusion to certain eruptions or rashes that arise, not spontaneously, but after the ingestion of certain drugs that have been administered for other diseases. The following named drugs have been known to give rise to the lesions which follow their titles, viz.:
Acid Carbolic. - Erythema.
Acid Salicylic. - Erythema, vesicles, papules, and wheals.
Aconite. - Erythema and vesicles.
Antimony. - Vesicles and pustules..
Antipyrin. - Papules.
Arnica. - Erythema, bullae, and scales.
Arsenic. - Erythema, papules, vesicles, bullae, pustules, and wheals.
Belladonna. - Erythema.
The Bromides. - Erythema, vesicles, bullae, pustules, pa­pules, tubercles, and wheals.
Cannahis Indica. - Vesicles.
Chloral. - Erythema, papules, vesicles, and wheals.

Cinchona derivatives. - Erythema, papules, vesicles, and wheals.
Copaiba. - Erythema, papules, vesicles, bullae, and wheals.
Digitalis. - Erythema and wheals.
Hyoscyamus. - Erythema and wheals.
The Iodides. - Erythema, papules, vesicles, bullae, pus­tules, and wheals.
Iodoform. - Erythema, papules, and vesicles.
Naphthalin. - Papules.
Phosphorus. - Bullae.
Santonin. - Papules, vesicles, and wheals.
Sulphonal. - Macules, papules.
Sulphur. - Erythema and vesicles.
Violet-water (locally). - Papules.