How is phototherapy administered?

Typical ultraviolet booth demonstrating banks of bulbs. Most modern ultraviolet booths deliver either both UVB and UVA, or deliver narrow band UVB. Note that the patient is wearing sunglasses with wraparound eye protection.
Fig. 55.2 Typical ultraviolet booth demonstrating banks of bulbs. Most modern ultraviolet booths deliver either both UVB and UVA, or deliver narrow band UVB. Note that the patient is wearing sunglasses with wraparound eye protection.
It is usually administered in a physician’s office or treatment center. Less commonly, patients purchase UVB phototherapy units and treat themselves at home. Patients receive a controlled dose of ultraviolet light while standing in a booth lined with high-output ultraviolet light bulbs (Fig. 55-2). The initial ultraviolet light exposure is determined by assessing the patient’s skin type and history of burning or by establishing the minimal erythema dose (MED).