
  Core Messages
  • Anti-aging medicine physicians, scientists, and researchers are dedicated to the belief that the process of physical aging in humans can be slowed, stopped, or even reversed through existing medical and scientific interventions.
  • Possible theories of the aging process include the free radical theory of aging, oxidation, cell senescence, and cleavage of telomere during DNA synthesis.
  • A good diet slows the aging process and adds healthier years to life.
  • A therapeutic guide for vitamin supplements and recommended antiaging doses is provided.
Changes in diet and increasing exercise, together with a regimen of antioxidants, nutritional supplements, and growth factors, can alter how the genes express themselves. Both factors can greatly enhance the healing capability of the skin and can improve the results of cosmetic surgeries.

Beyond the obvious advantages of a balanced diet and exercise there are the physiological ones that help people feel more alive with renewed and vital well-being.