Electron Microscopy (EM)

  • Be able to identify specific images on EM:
    • Dermoepidermal junction (specifically lamina lucida, lamina densa, hemidesmosomes) (Figure 9.5A)
    • Sezary cell (Figure 9.6B)
    • Birbeck granules of Langerhans cell (Figures 9.5B, 9.6A)
    • Others (less often tested): mast cell (Figure 9.6C), Merkel cell, melanocyte with melanosomes
Figure 9.5 A: Basement membrane zone (Courtesy of Nguyen et al. Lung development in laminin-2 deficiency. Respir Res. Feb 2006; 7: 28) B: Langerhans cells (Courtesy of Dr. William L. Clapp, Department of Pathology, University of Florida)
Figure 9.5
A: Basement membrane zone
(Courtesy of Nguyen et al. Lung development in
laminin-2 deficiency. Respir Res. Feb 2006; 7: 28
B: Langerhans cells
(Courtesy of Dr. William L. Clapp,
Department of Pathology, University of Florida
Figure 9.6 A: Birbeck granules (Langerhans cell)* B: Sezary cells* * Courtesy of Dr. William L. Clapp, Department of Pathology, University of Florida C: Mast cell (from https://www.medskul.com, used with permission)
Figure 9.6
A: Birbeck granules (Langerhans cell)*
B: Sezary cells*
* Courtesy of Dr. William L. Clapp, Department of
Pathology, University of Florida

C: Mast cell (from https://www.medskul.com, used with permission)